Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture

Celebrate women in ag by nominating an Influential Woman in Canadian Agriculture

March 22, 2022
By Bree Rody Avatar photo

Applications are currently open for the 2022 Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture (IWCA) program. The IWCA, a venture launched by the agricultural publications at Annex Business Media, aims to highlight the strongest female leaders in the ag industry. Now in its third year, IWCA has already honoured 13 hardworking, trail-blazing women in ag. Honourees will have their stories told through editorial content including a podcast series, a digital edition and an online event.

The team will select six women from across various disciplines in agriculture and highlight their stories, achievements, challenges and wisdom through our brands: Top Crop Manager, Potatoes in Canada, Canadian Poultry, Manure Manager and Fruit & Vegetable. Honourees can be producers, researchers, advocates or anyone else who has served as a trailblazer in ag.

The program will culminate in the fall with the IWCA Summit, a half-day, virtual event where our Influential Women in Canadian Agriculture will share advice and experience to their fellow women in ag. Along the way, honourees will also share their stories through podcasts, articles and a special digital edition from the agriculture group at Annex Business Media.

Stefanie Croley, editorial director, agriculture, says the IWCA program came to fruition as the team behind it recognized how much a woman’s role in agriculture has evolved over the years.

“Canadian women traditionally held behind-the-scenes roles on the farm, and while just as important, a woman’s ‘role’ in ag is so much more than that,” she says. “This program intends to recognize the leaders who are transforming the future of Canadian agriculture. By sharing their stories, we hope to inspire the next generation of women entering the ag sector, showing how important and diverse a woman’s work in agriculture really is.”

Nominations for the program are being accepted until March 25. Visit to submit a nomination.

For more information, please contact:
Stefanie Croley, Editorial Director, Agriculture

Bree Rody, Editor

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact
Michelle Allison, Group Publisher, Agriculture